Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition 12th ISE Anne Smith / Angela Collene 9781265160074
RM 150.00
TITLE : Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition - Anne Smith / Angela Collene / Colleen Spees
ISBN13 : 9781265160074
Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition is a complete and balanced resource for nutrition information written at a level non-science majors can understand. Current research is at the core of every new edition with revised statistics, incorporation of new results of clinical trials, and updated recommendations. The text provides students who lack a strong science background with the ideal balance of reliable nutrition information and practical, consumer-oriented knowledge.
Table of contents
PART ONE Nutrition: A Key to Health
1 Nutrition, Food Choices, and Health
2 Designing a Healthy Eating Pattern
3 The Human Body: A Nutrition Perspective
PART TWO Energy Nutrients and Energy Balance
4 Carbohydrates
5 Lipids
6 Proteins
7 Energy Balance
PART THREE Vitamins, Minerals, and Water
8 Vitamins and Phytochemicals
9 Water and Minerals
PART FOUR Nutrition: Beyond the Nutrients
10 Nutrition: Fitness and Sports
11 Eating Disorders
12 Protecting Our Food Supply
13 Global Nutrition
PART FIVE Nutrition: A Focus on Life Stages
14 Nutrition during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
15 Nutrition from Infancy through Adolescence
16 Nutrition during Adulthood
1 Nutrition, Food Choices, and Health
2 Designing a Healthy Eating Pattern
3 The Human Body: A Nutrition Perspective
PART TWO Energy Nutrients and Energy Balance
4 Carbohydrates
5 Lipids
6 Proteins
7 Energy Balance
PART THREE Vitamins, Minerals, and Water
8 Vitamins and Phytochemicals
9 Water and Minerals
PART FOUR Nutrition: Beyond the Nutrients
10 Nutrition: Fitness and Sports
11 Eating Disorders
12 Protecting Our Food Supply
13 Global Nutrition
PART FIVE Nutrition: A Focus on Life Stages
14 Nutrition during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
15 Nutrition from Infancy through Adolescence
16 Nutrition during Adulthood