Positive Psychology 4th ISE Shane Lopez / Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti 9781506389899
TITLE : ISE Positive Psychology : The Scientific and Practical Explorations of Human Strengths - Shane Lopez / Jennifer Teramoto
ISBN13 : 9781506389899
Positive Psychology offers a comprehensive coverage of the science and application of positive psychology, and presents new frameworks for understanding positive emotions and human strengths. The book brings the concept to life by tackling issues such as how positive psychology can help improve schooling and the workplace, as well as promote cooperative lifestyles among people.
Western and Eastern approaches to understanding human strengths are covered, along with the cultural and developmental influences on positive functioning. The authors also explore various positive conditions such as happiness and well-being, along with other processes related to mindfulness, wisdom, courage, and spirituality.
Table of Content
Part I: Looking at Psychology From a Positive Perspective
Welcome to Positive Psychology
Eastern and Western Perspectives on Positive Psychology: How "ME + WE = US" Might Bridge the Gap
Classifications and Measures of Strengths and Positive Outcomes
Part II: Positive Psychology in Context
The Role of Culture in Developing Strengths and Living Well
Living Well at Every Stage of Life
Part III: Positive Emotional States and Processes
The Principles of Pleasure: Understanding Positive Affect, Positive Emotions, Happiness, and Well-Being
Making the Most of Emotional Experiences: Emotion-Focused Coping, Emotional Intelligence, Socioemotional Selectivity, and Emotional Storytelling
Part IV: Positive Cognitive States and Processes
Seeing our Futures Through Self-Efficacy, Optimism, and Hope
Wisdom and Courage: Characteristics of the Wise and the Brave
Mindfulness, Flow, and Spirituality: In Search of Optimal Experiences
Part V: Prosocial Behavior
Empathy and Egotism: Portals to Altruism, Gratitude, and Forgiveness
Attachment, Love, Flourishing Relationships, and Forgiveness
Part VI: Understanding and Changing Human Behavior
Balanced Conceptualizations of Mental Health and Behavior
Preventing the Bad and Promoting the Good
Part VII: Positive Environments
Positive Schooling and Good Work: The Psychology of Gainful Employment and the Education That Gets Us There
Remembering Shane: Real Strengths in a Real Person