ISE Marketing: The Core 9E Roger Kerin / Steven Hartley 9781264832903
TITLE : Marketing: The Core - Roger Kerin / Steven Hartley
ISBN13 : 9781264832903
Marketing: The Core, 9th Edition, is a briefer, 18-chapter version of Marketing, 15th Edition, the most rigorous and robust program on the market. The Core 9e takes a pedological approach that focuses on high engagement, personalized marketing, traditional and contemporary coverage, a rigorous framework, marketing decision making, and integrated technology.
The ninth edition continues to demonstrate the authors' commitment to engagement, leadership, and innovation:
Leadership: Leading, current content, and conversational writing style, with new emphasis on data-driven decision-making and coverage of traditional and contemporary marketing concepts, with hyperlinked assignments throughout to easily correlate activities.
Table of contents
1. Creating Customer Relationships and Value through Marketing
2. Developing Successful Organizational and Marketing Strategies
Appendix A Building an Effective Marketing Plan
3. Understanding the Marketing Environment, Ethical Behavior, and Social Responsibility
Part 2: Understanding Buyers and Markets
4. Understanding Consumer Behavior
5. Understanding Organizations as Customers
6. Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets
Part 3: Targeting Marketing Opportunities
7. Marketing Research: From Customer Insights to Actions
8. Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
Part 4: Satisfying Marketing Opportunities
9. Developing New Products and Services
10. Managing Successful Products, Services, and Brands
11. Pricing Products and Services
12. Managing Marketing Channels and Supply Chains
13. Retailing and Wholesaling
14. Implementing Interactive and Multichannel Marketing
15. Integrated Marketing Communications and Direct Marketing
16. Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations
17. Using Social Media and Mobile Marketing to Connect with Consumers
18. Personal Selling and Sales Management