Doing Qualitative Research 3th Edition David Silverman 9781848600348
TITLE :Doing Qualitative Research David Silverman
ISBN13 : 9781848600348
Written in a lively, accessible style, Doing Qualitative Research, 3rd Edition provides a step-by-step guide to all the questions students ask when beginning their first research project. Silverman demonstrates how to learn the craft of qualitative research by applying knowledge about different methods to actual data. He provides practical advice on key issues such as: defining 'originality' and narrowing down a topic; keeping a research diary and writing a research report;and presenting research to different audiences.
Doing Qualitative Research, 3rd Edition, is substantially updated and revised. Among its new, attractive features are:
- problem-based format, making extensive use of statements and queries by recent research students
- two new chapters on data-gathering and ethical issues in student research
- material relevant for both Masters and PhD students
- examples from many social science disciplines and from Asia, Africa, the United States and Europe
- detailed discussion of different analytical models used in research
- additional material on the treatment of visual data
- an updated chapter on computer-aided qualitative data analysis
- boxed tips and links to websites throughout the text
- an expanded index and glossary
- a companion website which includes further readings and exercises
Each stage in the research process is grounded in worked examples based on the experiences of real students, with exercises designed both to test readers' knowledge and to encourage the development of practical skills.
This hugely popular textbook is essential reading for anyone planning their own research project.
David Silverman is Professor Emeritus, Sociology Department, Goldsmiths College and Visiting Professor, Management Department, Kings College, University of London.
Table of contents
7) Using Theories
9) Selecting a Case
13)Developing Data Analysis
16) Evaluating Qualitative Research
19) The Methodology Chapter
22) Making Good Use of Your Supervisor
26) Getting Published