Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives 2E Kenneth Keith 9781119438403
TITLE : Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives -
ISBN13 : : 9781119438403
PUBLISHER : John Wiley (Blackwell) (2019)
Explains and explores the important areas of psychology through a cultural perspective
This book addresses key areas of psychology, placing them in cultural perspective via a comprehensive overview of current work integrating culture across the major subfields of psychological science. Chapters explore the relation of culture to psychological phenomena, starting with introductory and research foundations, and moving to clinical and social principles and applications. It covers the subfields that are of most importance to undergraduates and beginning graduates, such as consciousness, development, cognition, intelligence, personality, research methods, statistics, gender, personality, health, and well-being.
Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives, 2nd Edition is richly documented with research findings and examples from many cultures, illuminating the strengths and limitations of North American psychology, while also highlighting the diversity and vitality of this fascinating field. The book offers many new chapters, in addition to fully updated ones from the previous edition. Starting with basic concepts in the subject, the book offers chapters covering ethnocentrism, diversity, evolutionary psychology, and development across cultures. It also examines education, dreams, language and communication issues, sex roles, happiness, attractiveness, and more.
- Provides a comprehensive overview of current work integrating culture across major subfields of psychological science
- Offers introductory chapters on topics such as cultural psychology and ethnocentrism, which provide a foundation for more specialized chapters in development, education, cognition, and beyond
- Features new chapters in areas such as cultural competence, culture and dreams, education across cultures, abnormality across cultures, and evolutionary psychology
- Presents chapters by some of the leading contributors to the fields of cultural and cross- cultural psychology
Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives, 2nd Edition is an ideal book for undergraduate and graduate courses in cultural or cross-cultural psychology.
Part I Basic Concepts 1
1 Psychology and Culture: An Introduction 3
Kenneth D. Keith
2 Ethnocentrism: Seeing the World from Where We Stand 23
Kenneth D. Keith
3 Cross‐Cultural Competence 39
Chi‐yue Chiu and Yuanyuan Shi
Part II Culture, Psychological Science, and Research Methods 57
4 Methodological and Conceptual Issues in Cross‐Cultural Research 59
Bernard C. Beins
5 The Inextricable Link Between Culture and Statistics 82
Susan A. Nolan and Andrew F. Simon
6 Infusing Diversity into Research Methods = Good Science 107
Linda M. Woolf and Michael R. Hulsizer
7 Evolution and Cross‐Cultural Psychology 128
Afshin Gharib
Part III Development 151
8 Child Development Across Cultures 153
Adriana Molitor and Hui‐Chin Hsu
9 Adolescent Development in a Cross‐Cultural Perspective 190
Judith L. Gibbons and Katelyn E. Poelker
10 Cultural Variations in Perceptions of Aging 216
James T. Gire
Part IV Cognition 241
11 Culture and Cognition 243
Michael Cole and Martin Packer
12 Conceptions and Approaches to Education Across Cultures 271
Ji‐Yeon O. Jo and Jungmin Kwon
13 Cross‐Cultural Differences in Visual Perception of Color, Illusions, Depth, and Pictures 287
William L. Phillips
14 International Developments Influencing the Field of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 309
Robert L. Schalock and Miguel A. Verdugo
Part V Consciousness 325
15 Culture and Dreams 327
Roger Ivar Lohmann
16 Consciousness and Culture 342
Kenneth D. Keith
Part VI Language and Communication 355
17 Language and Culture: Commonality, Variation, and Mistaken Assumptions 357
David S. Kreiner
18 Crossing Boundaries: Cross‐Cultural Communication 375
Leeva C. Chung
Part VII Gender and Sex Roles 399
19 Women Across Cultures 401
Hilary M. Lips and Katie M. Lawson
20 Stability or Change? A Cross‐Cultural Look at Attitudes Toward Sexual and Gender Identity Minorities 427
Mary E. Kite, LaCount J. Togans, and Tollie J. Schultz
Part VIII Health, Disorders, and Treatment 449
21 Cultural Influences on Health 451
Regan A. R. Gurung
22 Perspectives of Psychopathology Across Cultures and Among Indigenous Societies 467
Josephine C. H. Tan
23 Culture and Psychotherapy: Searching for an Empirically‐Supported Relationship 482
Junko Tanaka‐Matsumi
Part IX Emotion and Well‐Being 499
24 Culture, Emotion, and Expression 501
David Matsumoto and Hyi Sung C. Hwang
25 Wellbeing Across Cultures: Issues of Measurement and the Interpretation of Data 516
Robert A. Cummins
26 Happiness Around the World 531
Jennifer Zwolinski
Part X Social Psychology 547
27 Social Influence: A Cross‐Cultural Perspective 549
Tyler Collette and Richard L. Miller
28 Cross‐Cultural Differences and Similarities in Attribution 575
Kristy K. Dean and Anne M. Koenig
29 The Importance of Attractiveness Across Cultures 598
Stephanie L. Anderson
30 Multicultural Identity Development: Theory and Research 614
Richard L. Miller and Tyler Collette
31 Cross‐Cultural Organizational Psychology: An African Perspective 632
Terence Jackson
Part XI Personality 659
32 Culture and Theories of Personality: Western, Confucian, and Buddhist Perspectives 661
Peter J. Giordano
33 The Five‐Factor Model: Contemporary Personality Theory 685
Irina A. Novikova and Alexandra A. Vorobyeva
Part XII Concluding Thoughts 707
34 Culture and Psychology: Prospects and Possibilities 709
Kenneth D. Keith