Financial Accounting for Non-Accounting Students Fatimah Abd Rauf / Amla Abu / Radziah Mahmud 7E 9789670761565
TITLE : Financial Accounting for Non-Accounting Students Fatimah Abd Rauf / Amla Abu / Radziah Mahmud
ISBN13 : 9789670761565
EDITION : 7th Edition Paperback
Financial Accounting for Non- accounting Students is designed mainly for non- accounting students and those who need a clear understanding of basic financial accounting. This book explains the process of classifying , recording and summarising of business transactions.Student will be shown the steps taken to classify and record transactions in the correct journal and ledger account Financial Accounting for Non- accounting Students is designed mainly for non- accounting students and those who need a clear understanding of basic financial accounting. This book explains the process of classifying , recording and summarising of business transactions. Student will be shown the steps taken to classify and record transactions in the correct journal and ledger accounts. The are also taught to summerise the information in the trial balance and prepare the financial statements. At the same time, students are guided through the analysis of financial statements and shown how to prepare the bank reconciliation statements.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction to Accounting
2 Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Information, Accounting Assumptions and Concepts
3 Accounting Classification and Accounting Equation
4 Accounting for Inventory
5 Double Entry Principles
6 Balancing Off the Accounts and the Trial Balance
7 Accounting Systems and Books of Accounts
8 Pre-Adjusted Financial Statements
9 Adjustments for Accruals and Prepayement
10 Accounting for Accounts Receivable
11 Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure
12 Depreciation of Non-Current Assets
13 Finanical Statements with Year-End Adjustments
14 Bank Reconciliation Statement
15 Financial Statement Analysis and Financial Ratios
16 Partnership