Pratt's Essential Biochemistry GE Charlotte Pratt / Kathleen Cornely 9781119451129
TITLE : Pratt's Essential Biochemistry Charlotte Pratt / Kathleen Cornely
ISBN13 : 9781119451129
PAGES : 728
Pratt’s Essential Biochemistry, Global Edition aims to provide a solid foundation in biochemistry, presenting complete, up-to-date information while focusing on the practical aspects of biochemistry as it applies to human health, nutrition and disease. It presents a broad, but not overwhelming coverage of basic biochemical concepts that focus on the chemistry behind biology, structure-function relationships, transformation of energy and how genetic information is stored and made accessible. It relates these concepts to practical knowledge as well as providing many problem-solving opportunities to enhance skills.
Table of Content
Unit 1 Introduction
Chap 1 Chemical Basis of Life
Chap 2 Aqueous Chemistry
Unit 2 Biomolecules : Structure and Functions
Chap 3 Flow of Genetic Information
Chap 4 Structure of Proteins
Chap 5 Functions of Proteins
Chap 6 How Enzymes Work
Chap 7 Enzyme Kinetics and Inhibition
Chap 8 Lipids And Biological Membranes
Chap 9 Transport Through Membrane
Chap 10 Biochemical Signaling
Chap 11 Carbohydrates
Unit 3 Metabolism
Chap 12 Metabolism and Bioenergetics
Chap 13 Glucose Metabolism
Chap 14 The Citric Acid Cycle
Chap 15 Oxidative Phosphorylation
Chap 16 Photosynthesis
Chap 17 Lipid Metabolism
Chap 18 Nitrogen Metabolism
Chap 19 Mammalian Fuel Metabolism Regulation
Unit 4
Chap 20 DNA Replication and Repair
Chap 21 Transcription and RNA
Chap 22 Synthesis of Proteins