ISE Introduction to Flight 9E John Anderson / Mary Bowden 9781260597998
TITLE : ISE Introduction to Flight John Anderson / Mary Bowden
ISBN13 : 9781260597998
Anderson's Introduction to Flight is designed for first or second-year engineering students and any reader looking for an introduction to aerospace engineering. It is written in an intentionally easy-to-understand style. Readers are introduced to the basic areas of aerodynamics, flight dynamics, propulsion, and space flight (astronautics). In this edition, space flight content covers the expanding role of space vehicles within the field of aerospace engineering. Continuing the tradition of the previous edition, the 9th edition is intended not only to educate but also to motivate the reader to pursue the subject of aerospace engineering. In addition, new sections continue the unique tradition of including historical content discussing the origins of the technology.
If you want to understand the engineering behind how airplanes fly, how spacecrafts are launched into space, and how they are able to follow the right path to their destination, this book is for you.
Table of contents
3) The Standard Atmosphere
4) Basic Aerodynamics
5) Airfoils, Wings, and Other Aerodynamics Shapes
6) Elements of Airplane Performance
7) Principles of Stability and Control
8) Space Flight (Astronautics)
9) Propulsion
10) Hypersonic Vehicles
Appendix A - Standard Atmosphere, SI Units
Appendix B - Standard Atmosphere, English Engineering Units
Appendix C - Symbols and Conversion Factors
Appendix D - Airfoil Data
Answer Key