ISE Essentials of Marketing Research 5E Joseph Hair Jr / David Ortinau 9781260575781
TITLE : Essentials of Marketing Research Joseph Hair Jr / David Ortinau / Dana Harrison
ISBN13 : 9781260575781
Essentials of Marketing Research uses an application-oriented approach to equip students with tools and skills necessary to solve business problems and maximize opportunities. The authors' years of practical market research experience is evidenced thorough their treatment of qualitative research, to their coverage of sample size rules-of-thumb, background literature reviews, and new market research tools and techniques. This latest 5th edition gives students a strong command of market research principles, while being concise enough for with cases & other course projects. A continuing case and corresponding data sets included.
Table of contents
1 Marketing Research for Managerial Decision Making
2 The Marketing Research Process and Proposals
Part 2 Designing the Marketing Research Project
3 Secondary Data, Literature Reviews, and Hypotheses
4 Exploratory and Observational Research Designs and Data Collection Approaches
5 Descriptive and Causal Research Designs
Part 3 Gathering and Collecting Accurate Data
6 Sampling: Theory and Methods
7 Measurement and Scaling
8 Designing the Questionnaire
Part 4 Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the Results
9 Qualitative Data Analysis
10 Preparing Data for Quantitative Analysis
11 Basic Data Analysis for Quantitative Research
12 Examining Relationships in Quantitative Research
13 Communicating Marketing Research Findings