Essentials of Human Anatomy And Physiology - 13th GE Elaine Marieb / Suzanne Keller 9781292401942
TITLE : Essentials of Human Anatomy And Physiology - Elaine Marieb / Suzanne Keller
ISBN13 :9781292401942
For one-semester Anatomy & Physiology courses.
The right balance of anatomy, physiology, and clinical coverage
Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology helps students focus on the essentials of A&P, without getting sidetracked in unnecessary details. The brief and accessible text combines short, easy-to-read chapters with easy-to-follow figures to provide a near-perfect level and depth of content that students need to succeed in the one-semester A&P course. The authors' hallmark clear and friendly writing style features familiar analogies and abundant mnemonic cues to help students learn and remember concepts. The 13th Edition presents new study tools at the end of each chapter and new digital resources to help students study more efficiently than ever before, saving them both time and money.
Table of contents
2. Basic Chemistry
3. Cells and Tissues
4. Skin and Body Membranes
5. The Skeletal System
6. The Muscular System
7. The Nervous System
8. Special Senses
9. The Endocrine System
10. Blood
11. The Cardiovascular System
12. The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses
13. The Respiratory System
14. The Digestive System and Body Metabolism
15. The Urinary System
16. The Reproductive System
Appendix A: Answers to Did You Get It?
* Questions and Multiple Choice
* Review Questions
Appendix B: Word Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
Appendix C: Periodic Table of the Elements*
Appendix D: Key Information about Vitamins and Many Essential Minerals