Construction Economics Problems and Solutions 2 Khairani Haji Ahmad 9789673491971
TITLE : Construction Economics Problems and Solutions 2 Khairani Haji Ahmad
ISBN13 : 9789673491971
This book is intended fo the use of students in building construction and built enviroment and in paticular, students in quantity surveying. It is aimed at providing a guideline fo students in solving or answering similar questions. It is written in a simple way and deals with practical solutions to examination questions related to construction economics topics. However, the contents of this book provide only problems solutions to the questions posed and are not intended to be the only solutions available nor are they model answers.
Construction Economics: Problems and Solutions 2 emphasises the cost aspects of building and consturction projects. Five (5) topics are covered in this book dealing with common questions on investment and property markets, construction finance and risk management in building and construction projects. A special chapter on Cost Studies is include, which focuses on cost planning, cost control an building morphology.
Khairani Haji Ahmad is an Associate Professor at Quantity Surveying Department, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Universiti Technology MARA (Uitm) Shah Alam.